
Quiz: Do you know Oscar? Prove it


1. Many are upset that "The Dark Knight" wasn't nominated for best picture. But it did receive 8 nominations -- shattering the record for most Oscars nominations (4) for a superhero movie. Which film held that record?
1. 許多人對於「黑暗騎士」沒入圍最佳影片覺得很失望,但它可是獲得八項提名-打破奧斯卡超級英雄電影入圍最多(四項)的記錄。這是哪部電影的記錄?

A. "Superman: The Movie" 超人
B. "Spider-Man 2" 蜘蛛人
C. "The Incredibles" 超人特攻隊
D. "Catwoman" 貓女

2. Obviously "The Dark Knight" also broke the record for most Academy Award nominations for a Batman movie, too. Which bat-movie held that bat-record?
2. 很顯然地,「黑暗騎士」同時也打破蝙蝠俠系列電影入圍最多獎項的記錄。是打破哪部電影的記錄?

A. "Batman" (the first Michael Keaton one) 蝙蝠俠 (米高‧基頓首次主演)
B. "Batman Returns" (the second Michael Keaton one) 蝙蝠俠大顯神威 (米高‧基頓二次主演)
C. "Batman Forever" (the Val Kilmer one) 蝙蝠俠3 (方‧基墨主演)
D. "Batman Begins" (the first Christian Bale one) 蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 (克里斯汀‧貝爾首次主演)

3. One last "Dark Knight"-related question. Heath Ledger was nominated posthumously as best supporting actor for playing the Joker. Who was the first actor to receive an acting nomination in a superhero movie?
3. 最後一個和「黑暗騎士」有關的問題。希斯‧萊傑在逝世後,以演出小丑一角入圍最佳男配角。誰是第一個以超級英雄電影角色入圍的演員?

A. Gene Hackman for "Superman: The Movie" 金‧哈克曼《超人》
B. Jack Nicholson for "Batman" 傑克‧尼克森《蝙蝠俠》
C. Anthony Hopkins for "The Mask of Zorro" 安東尼‧霍普金斯《蒙面俠蘇洛》
D. Ian McKellan for "X-Men" 伊恩‧麥凱倫《X戰警》
E. Ledger's the first  萊傑是第一個。

4. Which of this year's best director nominees has been nominated most often in this category?
4. 今年的最佳導演入圍者裡,誰在此獎項入圍最多次?

A. Danny Boyle 丹尼‧鮑伊
B. Stephen Daldry 史帝芬‧戴爾卓
C. David Fincher 大衛‧芬奇
D. Ron Howard 朗‧霍華
E. Gus Van Sant 葛斯‧范桑

5. Despite a good deal of buzz, Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino" received no Academy Award nominations. What was the last Clint Eastwood-directed film to receive no Oscar nominations?
5. 儘管各界看好,但克林伊斯威特的「經典老爺車」未獲得任何提名。克林伊斯威特上一部也完全未獲提名的電影是?

A. "Changeling" 陌生的孩子
B. "Flags of our Fathers" 硫磺島的英雄們
C. "Blood Work" 血型拼圖
D. "Any Which Way But Loose" 永不低頭

6. If "Slumdog Millionaire" wins best picture, it will share a distinction with 10 other films, including "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King," "Around the World in 80 Days" and "The Greatest Show on Earth." What distinction?
6. 如果「貧民百萬富翁」拿下最佳影片,包含「魔戒三部曲:王者再臨」、「環遊世界八十天」和「戲王之王」在內的10部片,它和這十部片有一項共同點。是什麼?

A. Winning best picture without an acting nomination  獲得最佳影片但演員類獎項未獲提名
B. Winning best picture without a directing nomination 獲得最佳影片但未獲最佳導演提名
C. Winning best picture without a screenwriting nomination 獲得最佳影片但未獲最佳劇本提名
D. Being filmed in Mumbai 在孟買取鏡

7. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" received 13 nominations, one short of the record held by "All About Eve" and "Titanic." Which of the following films does not share 13 nominations, and second-place, with "Button"?
7. 「班傑明的奇幻旅程」入圍十三項,比它還多的只有「彗星美人」和「鐵達尼號」。以下電影,何者沒有和「巴頓(另一意:鈕扣)」共享入圍十三項、入圍獎項數次高的榮耀?

A. "Forrest Gump" 阿甘正傳
B. "Shakespeare in Love" 莎翁情史
C. "Chicago" 芝加哥
D. "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨

8. At the time of the nominations (Thursday, Jan. 22), how many of the best picture nominees had been seen in more than 1,000 theaters in the U.S.?
8. 公佈入圍名單的此時此刻(一月二十二號,星期四),入圍最佳影片的電影中,有幾部在全美已經有超過1000間戲院上映?

A. All five 五部都有
B. Four 四部
C. Three 三部
D. Two 二部
E. One 一部
F. None 都沒有

9. How old was Anne Hathaway when fellow nominee Meryl Streep last won an Oscar?
9. 同獎項入圍者梅莉‧史翠普上次贏得奧斯卡時,安‧海瑟薇時年幾歲?

A. 24
B. 12
C. 4
D. 6 months

10. "Doubt" received four acting nominations: Meryl Streep for actress, Philip Seymour Hoffman for supporting actor, and Viola Davis and Amy Adams for supporting actress. What was the last film to receive four acting nominations?
10. 「誘.惑」一片四項演員類獎項皆獲提名:梅莉‧史翠普入圍最佳女主角,菲利浦‧西摩‧霍夫曼入圍最佳男配角,薇歐拉‧戴維斯及艾美亞當斯則同時入圍最佳女配角。上一部同時獲得四項演員類獎項提名的電影是?

A. "Babel" 火線交錯
B. "Million Dollar Baby" 登峰造擊
C. "Chicago" 芝加哥
D. "Traffic" 鐵達尼號

11. Frank Langella is nominated for playing Richard Nixon in "Frost/Nixon." Which of the following is not a previous Langella role?
11. 法蘭克‧藍吉拉以在「請問總統先生」中飾演理查‧尼克森而獲提名。以下哪個不是藍吉拉曾演出的角色?

A. Jack the Ripper 開膛手傑克
B. Zorro 蒙面俠蘇洛
C. Dracula 吸血鬼伯爵德古拉
E. Skeletor 骷髏王

12. Many actresses, from Diane Keaton to Dianne Wiest, have been nominated for starring in Woody Allen movies, and Penelope Cruz now joins them. Who was the last actress to be nominated for her work in a Woody Allen movie?
12. 有很多女演員,從黛安‧基頓到黛安‧薇斯特,都曾因演出伍迪‧艾倫的電影而獲提名,現在潘妮洛普‧克魯茲也成為其中一員。誰是上一個因演出伍迪‧艾倫電影而獲提名的女演員?

A. Scarlett Johansson in "Match Point" 思嘉‧喬安森《愛情決勝點》
B. Tea Leoni in "Hollywood Ending" 蒂雅李歐妮《好萊塢結局》
C. Samantha Morton in "Sweet and Lowdown" 珊曼莎摩頓《甜蜜與卑微》
D. Dianne Wiest in "Bullets over Broadway" 黛安‧薇斯特《百老匯上空子彈》

13. Cinematographer Roger Deakins has been nominated for eight Academy Awards for such work as "The Shawshank Redemption," "Fargo," "Kundun," "O Brother, Where Art Thou?," "No Country for Old Men" and now "The Reader." How many Oscars has he won?
13. 攝影師羅傑‧狄金斯已經八次入圍奧斯卡,他的作品有《刺激1995》、《冰血暴》、《達賴的一生》、《霹靂高手》、《險路勿近》,現在則是以《為愛朗讀》獲提名。他總共贏了幾座奧斯卡獎?

A. 8
B. 6
C. 4
D. 0

14. Which music-video fact about this year's nominees is not true?
14. 以下是有關今年音樂錄影帶入圍者的敘述,何者為非?

A. Angelina Jolie appeared in the Meatloaf video "Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through"
B. Penelope Cruz appeared in the Mecano video "la Fuerza del destino"
C. Robert Downey, Jr. starred in the Elton John video "I Want Love"
D. Meryl Streep starred in the Van Halen video "Hot for Teacher"

15. In the last two years, four of Peter Morgan's screenplays have been produced and three are acclaimed: "The Last King of Scotland," "The Queen" and "Frost/Nixon." What's the fourth?
15. 過去兩年來,彼得‧摩根的劇本有四部被搬上大螢幕,其中三部為:《最後的蘇格蘭王》、《黛妃與女皇》、《請問總統先生》。請問第四部是?

A. "The Other Boleyn Girl" 美人心機
B. "Run Fat Boy Run" 求愛馬拉松
C. "Step Up 2 the Streets" 舞力全開
D. "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert" 孟漢娜3D立體演唱會



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