
For the past couple of months, we have been privately testing our brand new API platform with selected partners with the goal of bringing it to the public someday. After months of bugs fixing, we are happy to say “Today is the day!”.

過去數月,我們祕密地找了幾位夥伴來測試新的 API 平台,希望有朝一日可以開放給大眾使用。經過數個月的程式除錯,我們很高興地宣布:「就是今天!」

As Plurk grows, the demand for different set of tools, applications or features to complement our product has also increased. While some of those requests are later added into our social platform, we fully aware it would be impossible for us to implement everything by ourselves. Our users love Plurk passionately and we love them back just as much. So if someone’s mom wants to read her Plurks from her kitchen microwave, she should be able to (provided someone else already wrote such application using our API).

隨著 Plurk 的成長,對各式工具、應用程式或網站功能以補足自家產品的要求也日漸增長。其中有部分要求隨後已加入我們的社交平台上,但我們同時體悟到不可能單靠自己來補足一切。使用者熱愛 Plurk,我們也同樣地愛使用者。因此,如果誰的媽媽想要在廚房微波爐上追噗,她應該是要可以如此做的(假設某個人已經用我們的 API 寫出這樣的一個應用程式)。

Without further ado, the full documentation of the API is available at: http://www.plurk.com/API. Simple ‘Hello World’ examples for various programming languages are also available on that page. If you are already a Plurk user, you can go ahead and generate a key and start coding.

廢話不多說,API 完整申請書可在這裡找到:http://www.plurk.com/API。此網頁同時也提供以各種程式語言所寫的簡單範本。如果你已經是 Plurk 使用者,現在就去申請、拿驗證碼、開始寫程式吧!

We are excited with how this new project is going to enhance your plurking experience and looking forward to see how the community evolves and improves Plurk ecosystem with it. Surprise us!

我們十分興奮這新計畫將如何增進各位的 Plurk 經驗,也很期待社群如何透過這個計畫演化和改進整個 Plurk 生態系統。放馬過來吧!


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