◎ 注意:以下詞彙都是日常交談才會使用,請勿在正式文件或對話裡使用!
u, ya = you
ur = your
r = are
ya, yep = yes
dun = don't
2 = too, to
4 = for
4ever = forever
b4 = before
9, nite = night
fav = favorite
msg = message
plz, pls = please
pvt = private
tel = telephone
thx = thanks
tmr, tmw = tomorrow
c = see
n = and
Q = cute
x = kiss
o = hug
# = number
b/w = between
coz, cos, b/c = because
j/k = just kidding
w/ = with
w/o = without
afk = away from keyboard (暫離)
asap = as soon as possible (越快越好)
brb = be right back (馬上回來)
btw = by the way (哦,還有…)
dnd = do not disturb (別吵我)
lol = laugh out loud (大笑)
np = no problem (沒問題)
rofl = rolling on floor laughing (笑到翻掉)
ttyl, ttul = talk to you later (晚點聊)
wtf = what the fuck ("幹"什麼…)
wth = what the hell (搞什麼鬼…)
練習一下: How r u? What did u do b4? OK, c u tmr.
- Jun 23 Tue 2009 19:42