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New year runes |
Aztec TM |
Olmec Two |
Natural Zero |
Inca One |
Arawak Zero |
新年盧恩文 |
阿茲特克時間 |
奧梅克2 |
自然0 |
印加1 |
阿拉瓦克0 |
Rarity: 20 |
Rarity: 10 |
Rarity: 9 |
Rarity: 8 |
Rarity: 7 |
盧恩文:古代北歐民族使用的文字、也可以解釋成神祕的記號 |
TM? Like Treasure Madness? |
It really looks like a two, weird... |
This fly stuck in amber has the shape of a zero. |
The only one for you... |
There are very few arawak stone sculptures and this one looks like a zero. |
Taino Gods | Itiba tahuvava | Taino moon goddess | God of cohoba | Taino sun god | Taino totem | |
泰諾神 | 大地女神 | 月亮女神 | 泰諾主神 | 太陽神 | 泰諾圖騰 | |
泰諾人:西印度群島一已絕種的印第安種族 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 8 | |
Goddess Mother Earth. Mother of twins representing the four cardinal points or the four winds. | Goddess Mother Earth. Mother of twins representing the four cardinal points or the four winds. | Main deity Taino. His head was used to move the hallucinogen dust that was inhaled in ceremonies. | A beautiful representation of Taino Sun God. | God of Snuff. This figure was used as a funerary urn for major characters and loved ones of the tribe. | ||
Taino ritual tools | Taino duho | Olla | Majador | Maquetaurie guayaba | Taino vase | |
泰諾祭典器具 | 椅 | 碗 | 杵 | 吸入器 | 花瓶 | |
Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 7 | ||
This ceremonial seat was used by warlords to preside over ceremonies and rituals. | Vessel used in cooking and for ceremonial occasions. | Hand mortar used for rituals in the spraying of the ingredients of Cohoba (seeds, shells, leaves). | Inhalers used by the Tainos in the rite of cohoba for inhaling dust hallucinogen during the ceremony. | Anthromorphic vase in a sitting position represents the God of thinking. | ||
Arawak weapons | Arawak spear | Arawak axe | Arawak bow | Arawak stone mass | Arawak arrow | |
阿拉瓦克武器 | 竹矛 | 石斧 | 竹弓 | 石錘 | 箭 | |
Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | ||
A bamboo spear used for hunting and war. | An axe with a blade made of stone, basic but efficient. | The favorite weapon of Arawaks. | A massive weapon which could be only used by the strongest of men. | Still sharp, you should be careful not to hurt yourself. | ||
Common Arawak necklaces | Arawak pearl necklace | Arawak red wood pendant | Arawak black stone pendant | Arawak shells and pearls necklace | Arawak pearl pendant | |
阿拉瓦克一般項鍊 | 珍珠項鍊 | 紅木吊墜 | 黑石吊墜 | 貝殼珍珠項鍊 | 珍珠吊墜 | |
Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 3 | ||
A nice necklace made of sea pearls. | A red wooden pendant appreciated by Arawak children. | Its dark color protects from the bad spirits. You feel much more secure now... | A nice necklace made of pearls with some shells. | A colorful necklace. | ||
Symbolic Arawak necklaces | Arawak bone pendant | Arawak bamboo necklace | Arawak parade necklace | Arawak pendant of command | Arawak shaman necklace | |
阿拉瓦克象徵性項鍊 | 骨製吊墜 | 竹製項鍊 | 遊街項鍊 | 掌權者吊墜 | 薩滿項鍊 | |
Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 5 | ||
A necklace worn by Arawak hunters. You might wonder where the bone comes from... | This necklace represents the passage from childhood to adulthood for Arawaks. | Reserved for the best Arawak hunters. | Symbol of power for Arawak tribe chiefs. | Made of a special wood said to be curative. | ||
Arawak ritual tools | Arawak shaman feather | Arawak warrior neck guard | Arawak ceremonial drum | Arawak wood scepter | Arawak feather crown | |
阿拉瓦克祭典器具 | 薩滿羽 | 戰士護頸 | 祭鼓 | 木製權杖 | 羽冠 | |
Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 10 | ||
A colorful feather used to pierce the noses of young shamans. | Worn by the best warriors during ceremonies. | Let's play some music! | This scepter was held by chiefs during ceremonies as a symbol of their authority. | Another symbol of the power of Arawak chiefs. | ||
Insects | Scarab | Ladybug | Stag beetle | Locust | Capricorn beetle | |
昆蟲 | 金龜子 | 瓢蟲 | 鍬形蟲 | 蝗蟲 | 天牛 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | ||
This scarab, of the Scarabaeidae family, is a pitch-black beetle. | This ladybug, of the Coccinellidae family, is a beetle with red wings and black dots. | This stag beetle, of the Lucanidae family, uses its jaws to wrestle for favoured mating sites. | This locust is a grasshopper of the Acrididae family. This species can swarm and damage crops. | This capricorn beetle is part of the longhorn beetle family. Its antennae are strong, stout and curved. | ||
Butterflies | Monarch butterfly | Geitoneura klugii | Siproeta epaphus | Black swallowtail | Buckeye butterfly | |
蝴蝶 | 帝王蝶 | 圓點眼蝶 | 依帕綠蝶 | 黑尾鳳蝶 | 鹿眼蝶 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | ||
This monarch is a milkweed butterfly. Its wings have a beautiful black and orange pattern. | This Geitoneura Klugii is a butterfly that belongs to the Nymphalidae family. It has a wingspan of 38mm. | This siproeta epaphus is a huge butterfly with black and brown wings. | This black swallowtail, also known as Papilio polyxenes, is a large black butterfly. | This Buckeye butterfly feeds on nectar and also takes fluids from mud and damp sand. | ||
Common fossils | Ammonite fossil | Aspidorhynchus fossil | Cicada fossil | Giant dragonfly fossil | Palm fossil | |
一般化石 | 菊石化石 | 劍鼻魚化石 | 蟬化石 | 巨蜻蜓化石 | 棕葉化石 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 3 | ||
This 150 million year old fossil of an extinct marine species is exceptionally well-preserved! | This fossil of an extinct fish species dates back to 50 million years ago. Exceptional! | A well-preserved fossil of a giant tropical insect common in these regions. | Incredible! This is from the late Jurassic period, roughly 150 million years ago! | Palm is a very old tropical plant; this fossil must be dating from 70 million years ago. Unbelievable! | ||
Rare fossils | Coelacanth fossil | Jurassic bird fossil | Jurassic shrimp fossil | Mosquito in amber | Trilobite fossil | |
稀有化石 | 腔棘魚化石 | 侏儸紀鳥化石 | 侏儸紀蝦化石 | 含蚊琥珀 | 三葉蟲化石 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 6 | ||
Appearing first some 400 million years ago, the Coelacanth lived in Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras. | Stunning marvel! There were hundreds of Jurassic birds but very few fossils remain! | A rare item dating from the middle period of the Mesozoic, 150 millions years ago. | A bug caught in amber of the Oligocene-Eocene epochs, 25-40 million years ago. Fascinating... | This bug used to live 540 million years ago all over the world. | ||
Common gems | Amethyst | Aquamarine | Obsidian | Pearl | Topaz | |
一般寶石 | 紫水晶 | 藍寶石 | 黑曜石 | 珍珠 | 黃玉 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 9 | ||
The Amethyst is said to protect its owner from drunkenness. Interesting! | This stone has a beautiful blue color, suggestive of the tint of seawater. | A naturally volcanic rock frequent in South America, it has a beautiful dark sparkle. | A perfect and natural white rounded pearl! Splendid! | The name "Topaz" comes from an Indo-Aryan language which means "fire"! | ||
Rare gems | 18 carat ruby | 18 carat sapphire | Small gold nugget | 12 carat diamond | 12 carat emerald | |
稀有寶石 | 18克拉紅寶石 | 18克拉藍寶石 | 碎金塊 | 12克拉鑽石 | 12克拉祖母綠 | |
Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 11 | ||
This beautiful red gem matched very well with the complexion of Aztec women. Lovely treasure! | The Legend claims that the tablets containing the Ten Commandments were composed of sapphire! | Gold was very desired in the Aztec empire. This nugget has a very nice shape. | Wonderful! The diamond is the hardest natural material known to man! | It was Cortes himself who brought back the emerald to Europe from the Aztec empire. | ||
Exceptional gems | Gold nugget | 24 carat diamond | 24 carat emerald | 24 carat ruby | 24 carat sapphire | |
特殊寶石 | 金塊 | 24克拉鑽石 | 24克拉祖母綠 | 24克拉紅寶石 | 24克拉藍寶石 | |
Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 16 | ||
Fantastic! A heavy gold nugget as big as a man's fist! | Splendid! Diamonds were rare in the Aztec empire. Just a few could be found in the south of the land. | This wonderful and very rare green gem was worn by priests during human sacrifices... | For a long time the ruby was as a symbol of virtue, wisdom and holiness. This one is huge! | Aztecs believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire and that its reflection colored the sky. | ||
T. Rex upper skeleton | T. rex cervical vertebrae | T. rex left arm | T. rex ribcage | T. rex right arm | T. rex skull | |
暴龍上肢骨 | 頸椎 | 左臂 | 胸腔 | 右臂 | 頭骨 | |
Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 18 | ||
T. Rex lower skeleton | T. rex left leg | T. rex pelvis | T. rex right leg | T. rex tail part I | T. rex tail part II | |
暴龍下肢骨 | 左腿 | 骨盆 | 右腿 | 尾巴部分1 | 尾巴部分2 | |
Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 16 | ||
Natural minerals | Amethyst crystal | Martian fossil | Natural emerald crystal | Frog fossil | Moon fragment | |
天然礦石 | 紫水晶 | 火星化石 | 天然綠水晶 | 青蛙化石 | 月亮碎片 | |
Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 8 | ||
Dinosaur parts | Dinosaur nest | Dinosaur vertebrae | Dinosaur teeth | Dinosaur claw | Dinosaur ham | |
恐龍各部位 | 恐龍蛋 | 脊椎 | 牙齒 | 爪子 | 大腿 | |
Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 5 | ||
Don't get too close they're about to hatch. | Part of the skeleton of a dinosaur. | Those look sharp. | Good job there isn't a dinosaur attached to this claw. | Some tasty dinosaur leg. Yum! | ||
Aztec bracelets | Silver bracelet | Gold wristband | Gold chain | Gold bracelet | Onyx chain | |
阿茲特克手環 | 銀手環 | 金手鐲 | 金手鍊 | 金手環 | 瑪瑙手鍊 | |
Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 10 | ||
An elegant silver bracelet with jade stones. | Wow! A magnificent, large and heavy ornate golden wristband, with rich patterns and precious stones. | Hey, nice! A golden aztec chain, symbol of strength and purity. | Perfect! The elegance of this gold bracelet is mesmerizing... | Bold and beautiful, this onyx chain makes a stunning impression when you look at it. | ||
Common Aztec ceremony masks | Bronze ceremony mask | Priest mask | Stone jaguar mask | Stone monkey mask | Mysterious skull mask | |
阿茲特克一般慶典面具 | 青銅面具 | 祭司面具 | 石美洲豹面具 | 石猴面具 | 神祕頭骨面具 | |
Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 10 | ||
This artifact used to be worn by Aztec priests during human sacrifices. | Aztec priests used to wear this mask to hide their faces from their victims during human sacrifices. | This mask represents Tezcatlipoca, God of the night sky. | In the Aztec culture, monkeys were associated with the arts, games and fun. | Great discovery!... This frightening mask will have a huge success in our museum! | ||
Rare Aztec ceremony masks | Gold ceremony mask | Jade jaguar mask | Jade monkey mask | Golden warrior mask | Jade lizard mask | |
阿茲特克稀有慶典面具 | 黃金面具 | 玉美洲豹面具 | 玉猴面具 | 金戰士面具 | 玉蜥蜴面具 | |
Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 12 | ||
Royal Aztec ceremony masks | Gold monkey mask | Gold jaguar mask | Mummy mask | Dead alive mask | Grand priest mask | |
阿茲特克貴族慶典面具 | 金猴面具 | 金美洲豹面具 | 木乃伊面具 | 活死人面具 | 大祭司面具 | |
Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 18 | ||
This precious artifact is believed to be a death mask. Terrifying! | A nice item in jade glorifying the famous Jaguar warriors, an elite military unit. | A beautiful mask dedicated to Ozomatli the Monkey, the Aztec God of dance and celebration. | A decorative mask made of pure gold! It was used during Aztec ceremonies. | This lizard looks like a dragon... How could they make such a complex mask in jade? | ||
Aztec tunics | Aztec blue tunic | Aztec green tunic | Aztec red tunic | Aztec moon tunic | Aztec sun tunic | |
阿茲特克祭袍 | 藍祭袍 | 綠祭袍 | 紅祭袍 | 月祭袍 | 日祭袍 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 3 | ||
Flowing in the wind, and blue like the sea, this beautiful tunic was a very comfortable outfit. | Not too cold, not too warm, this green tunic was part of everyday aztec clothing. | Flashy red fabric was used to sew this garment. | A padded dark colored tunic, probably used by Aztecs to walk by night under the moonlight. | A light colored tunic, probably used by Aztecs to walk by the sun. | ||
Aztec clothing | Aztec sandal | Aztec red cloak | Aztec headgear | Aztec green cloak | Aztec poncho | |
阿茲特克服飾 | 涼鞋 | 紅披風 | 頭飾 | 綠披風 | 斗篷 | |
Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 5 | ||
A pair of leather and wood sandals, useful to avoid burning your feet on the hot beach sand. | This warm cloak is made of red wool. | In the aztec tribute system, local rulers showed their power with headgears such as this one. | This warm cloak is made of green wool. | This warm poncho is made of wool. | ||
Common Aztec things | Old human skull | Bone needles | Fishing hook | Knucklebones | Comb | |
阿茲特克一般物品 | 舊人骨 | 骨針 | 魚鉤 | 指關節 | 梳子 | |
Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | ||
For a long time, human skulls were kept as war trophies by the Aztecs. Frightening... | Aztec women used to sew clothes with this kind of bone needles. Nice! | The earliest fishing hooks date back to approx. 7000 BC and were made of human bones! | Aztec children loved to play with this simple and funny toy. You can find it in many different colors! | In the Aztec empire, this item was essential to comb the long black hair of women and men. | ||
Aztec artifacts | Wooden toy | Aztec drum | Aztec mirror | Aztec panpipes | Sculpted pipe | |
阿茲特克工藝品 | 木製玩具 | 阿茲特克鼓 | 阿茲特克鏡 | 阿茲特克排笛 | 精雕煙斗 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 4 | ||
Aztec toys were made in wood and unbreakable for little children! This fish has a funny haircut! | Aztecs used their enemies' skin to make small drums. It's a bit distasteful! | Aztec women were very particular about their appearance! | It seems that this fine instrument is workable. Let's give it a try... | Aztecs loved to smoke tobacco in this beautiful pipe long before the arrival of Europeans... | ||
Common Aztec dishes | Clay bowl | Duck wooden bowl | Ornate clay bowl | Water pot | Aztec clay pot | |
阿茲特克一般器皿 | 陶碗 | 木製鴨形碗 | 彩繪陶碗 | 水壺 | 阿茲特克陶壺 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | ||
Nice artifact. Aztec tribe members used this bowl to serve their daily meals. | An amusing bowl for Aztec children. Fancy! | A simple clay bowl ornate with a sparkling green gem stone! | A beautiful pot to keep the fresh water. | A decorative object very common in aztec homes. Beautiful! | ||
Detailed Aztec dishes | Bronze pot | Bronze vase | Duck bronze bowl | Ornate bronze jug | Stone monster pot | |
阿茲特克帶飾器皿 | 青銅壺 | 青銅花瓶 | 青銅鴨形碗 | 彩繪青銅甕 | 石刻怪獸壺 | |
Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | ||
Interesting discovery! The same pot must exist in silver and gold... | A fine bronze vase, useful to put flowers in! | An amusing bowl, this one must have belonged to rich Aztec children. Very pretty! | A nice bronze jug used by Aztecs to decorate their houses. | This heavy pot is nicely sculpted with a strange monster head. | ||
Fine Aztec dishes | Bronze bowl | Bronze platter | Lizard box | Ornate bronze bowl | Ornate bronze pot | |
阿茲特克上等器皿 | 骨碗 | 青銅盤 | 蜥蜴皮箱 | 彩繪青銅碗 | 彩繪青銅壺 | |
Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 6 | ||
A very nice object used by Aztecs to serve maize or chocolate. | Beautiful artifact! The Aztec loved to create bronze dishes; it is less brittle than clay. | The handle of the box represents a delicately sculpted lizard head. | Aztecs ate a large variety of food such as beans, turkeys, vanilla or even potatoes in this bowl. | Aztecs used to put their ancestors' ashes into this nice artifact. Interesting! | ||
Sophisticated Aztec dishes | Ornate silver bowl | Ornate silver pot | Silver jug | Silver platter | Stone monkey bowl | |
阿茲特克精緻器皿 | 彩繪銀碗 | 彩繪銀壺 | 銀甕 | 銀盤 | 石製猴形碗 | |
Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 9 | ||
This beautiful object in silver used to decorate the home of a wealthy tribe member. | Very nice pot! Aztecs made some beautiful dishes, still admired today! | Nice item! Aztecs loved to decorate their home with shiny artifacts. | The tlaxcalli, a spicy corn-meal pancake, was served in that kind of platter. | A stone bowl! They are very rare as they are far more fragile than metal ones. | ||
Precious Aztec dishes | Gold bowl | Gold jug | Jade pot | Ornate gold bowl | Ornate silver jug | |
阿茲特克珍貴器皿 | 金碗 | 金甕 | 玉壺 | 彩繪金碗 | 彩繪銀甕 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 9 | ||
Aztec territories such as Cholula became famous for their sumptuous dishes. Beautiful find! | This jug was used during human sacrifices to collect the blood flowing from the victim... Terrifying! | A simple but nicely ornate jade pot. Jade is one of the most difficult to cut materials. | Aztecs used to drink the fermented juice of the maguey plant in that kind of bowl. | Aztec temples to the Gods were adorned with such ornate jugs. | ||
Royal Aztec dishes | Gold monkey bowl | Gold monster pot | Gold platter | Ornate gold jug | Ornate gold pot | |
阿茲特克貴族器皿 | 金猴形碗 | 金怪獸壺 | 金盤 | 彩繪金甕 | 彩繪金壺 | |
Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 12 | ||
A monkey bowl used by Aztec priests to collect the blood of human sacrifice victims... | Fascinating! A large gold pot sculpted with a frightening monster head! | A huge gold platter which shows the magnificence and refinement of the Aztec civilization. | Sumptuous gold item! This decorative marvel was only used by the Aztec imperial family. | A gold pot used by Aztecs to keep their ancestors' ashes. | ||
Common Aztec Gods statues | Bronze Coatlicue | Bronze Quetzalcoatl | Clay Mictlantecuhtli | Stone Chalchiuhtlicue | Stone Huehueteotl | |
阿茲特克一般神像 | 大地之母青銅像 | 羽蛇神青銅像 | 死神陶像 | 豐收女神石像 | 火神石像 | |
Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 7 | ||
Amazing! A sculpted item in favor of Coatlicue, the patron of women who died in childbirth. | A religious statue representing Quetzalcoatl the "feathered serpent" God! | The Ancient God of the Dead! It may also be depicted as a skeleton covered in blood... | Wonderful! Chalchiuhtlicue, the Goddess of Water, was also the protector of children! | The God of Fire himself! This statue has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi in its look. | ||
Rare Aztec Gods statues | Jade and ruby Xipe Totec | Jade Coatlicue | Jade Quetzalcoatl | Jade Chicomecoatl | Jade Xolotl | |
阿茲特克稀有神像 | 玉和紅寶石製春神像 | 大地之母玉身 | 羽蛇神玉身 | 豐饒之神玉身 | 雷神玉身 | |
Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 14 | ||
A cool artifact representing Xipe Totec, the life, death and rebirth deity. It must be priceless! | A riveting object to honor Coatlicue "the mother of Gods". Great find! | According to the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl went into the underworld to retrieve human bones. | Hmm, this one looks like Chicomecoatl, the Goddess of Nourishment. Pretty nice catch! | A weird statue of a dog-headed man depicting Xolotl. He is the Guardian of the Sun at night. | ||
Exceptional Aztec Gods statues | Gold Xipe Totec | Gold Coatlicue | Gold Chalchiuhtlicue | Gold Chicomecoatl | Gold Huehueteotl | |
阿茲特克特殊神像 | 春神金身 | 大地之母金身 | 豐收女神金身 | 豐饒之神金身 | 火神金身 | |
Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 14 | ||
A religious object to honor their God Xipe Totec during human sacrifices, scary! | A very rare object displaying the Aztec Goddess Coatlicue, who gave birth to the moon! | Oh! A golden version of the famous Goddess of Water. Worth a lot! | Definitely awesome! The spirit of maize and a goddess of plenty in its full magnificence. | Yay! A golden statue of the God of Fire almost intact! One of the most impressive ever discovered. | ||
Unique Aztec Gods statues | Gold and ruby Xipe Totec | Gold Quetzalcoatl | Gold Mictlantecuhtli | Gold Spirit | Gold Xolotl | |
阿茲特克罕見神像 | 黃金和紅寶石製春神像 | 羽蛇神金身 | 死神金身 | 精神圖騰金身 | 雷神金身 | |
Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 18 | ||
A golden object representing Xipe Totec God, which means "Our Lord the flayed One". | A mysterious object representing Quetzalcoatl, meaning "feather-serpent", a symbol of fertility. | Priceless! A golden statue of the God of the Dead. He and his wife rule over the Underworld. | Yeeha! This is a pure gold ancient spirit statue. It probably belonged to Aztec priests. | A rare piece of art depicting the Aztec deity Xolotl as a dog-headed man. Of great value, indeed! | ||
Common Aztec helmets | Silver and emerald helmet | Silver and ruby helmet | Bronze helmet | Silver and sapphire helmet | Silver helmet | |
阿茲特克一般頭盔 | 鑲祖母綠銀頭盔 | 鑲紅寶石銀頭盔 | 青銅頭盔 | 鑲藍寶石銀頭盔 | 純銀頭盔 | |
Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 8 | ||
This helmet trimmed with emerald was only worn during Aztec military parades. | Only the bravest fighters had the right to wear the silver and ruby helmet. Magnificent find! | This nice bronze helmet was worn by Aztec warriors to protect their heads from injuries. | Only special soldiers could wear this precious helmet during fights. | A nice and strong silver Helmet made to protect Aztec warriors' heads. | ||
Golden Aztec helmets | Gold helmet | Gold and emerald helmet | Gold and ruby helmet | Gold and sapphire helmet | Gold feathered helmet | |
阿茲特克黃金頭盔 | 純金頭盔 | 鑲祖母綠金頭盔 | 鑲紅寶石金頭盔 | 鑲藍寶石金頭盔 | 金製羽飾頭盔 | |
Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 10 | ||
A sublime golden artifact worn by the most respected Aztec warriors to protect their head. | An incredible gold helmet inlaid with emeralds. What a great discovery! | This marvelous helmet is inlaid with ruby, it must be priceless! | A ravishing object encrusted with sapphire only worn by respected warriors. Exciting find! | The feathers on the helmet means that the one who wears it has at least 3 men under his command. | ||
Aztec kings artifacts | Aztec codex | Aztec scepter | King statue | Mystic mask | Sun pendant | |
阿茲特克國王工藝品 | 阿茲特克法典 | 阿茲特克權杖 | 國王像 | 神祕面具 | 太陽墜飾 | |
Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 15 | ||
This ancient book could provide plenty of information on Aztec culture. How lucky! | A mysterious and possibly magical object used by kings to represent authority. | A royal item dedicated to Acamapichitli, King of the Aztec from 1375 to 1394. Great discovery! | A strange object... Aztec masks were often made for display during ritual ceremonies, and not to be worn! | This pendant captures sunrays and brings strength and grandness to the one who wears it. Intriguing! | ||
Aztec kings marvels | Aztec mummy | Ceremony throne | Mask of death and rebirth | Tlaloc statuette | Warrior king statue | |
阿茲特克國王珍藏品 | 阿茲特克木乃伊 | 儀杖 | 死亡與復活面具 | 雨神塑像 | 國王戰士像 | |
Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 17 | ||
Aztec wonders | Gold condor | Helmet of moon | Royal mask | Runic stone | Golden idol | |
阿茲特克不思議之物 | 黃金禿鷹像 | 月亮頭盔 | 貴族面具 | 盧恩文石碑 | 黃金崇拜神像 | |
Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 17 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 18 | ||
Aztec necklaces | Feather necklace | Bone necklace | Gem necklace | Earth, Moon and Sun necklace | Necklace with rubies | |
阿茲特克項鍊 | 羽毛項鍊 | 骨串鍊 | 寶石串鍊 | 土月日鍊 | 紅寶石項鍊 | |
Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 15 | Rarity: 12 | ||
This elegant feather necklace was very much to the taste of aztec women. | This aztec jewelry was made from a rich variety of materials such as bronze, silver and even bone! | This very nice necklace made of gems was generally worn in the upper classes of Aztec society. | Gold and gold only! It must have belonged to a loved woman. | Where could they possibly find so many big rubies? Their red sparkle is hypnotizing. | ||
Aztec pendants | Bronze pendant | Silver pendant | Gold pendant | Jade pendant | Golden moon pendant | |
阿茲特克墜飾 | 青銅墜飾 | 銀墜飾 | 黃金墜飾 | 玉墜飾 | 金製月形墜飾 | |
Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 14 | ||
A fine bronze pendant with bright colors, as the Aztecs used to like! | Considered as a sacred metal, silver was said to be the closest to gold in perfection. Fascinating! | This magnificent pendant belonged to Chimalpopoca, King of Tenochtitlan, the greatest Aztec city. | Simple but very nice jade pendant. Its round shape symbolizes the moon. | Moon pendants were supposed to protect their owners from night spirits. | ||
Common Aztec rings | Bronze ring | Silver and emerald ring | Silver ring | Silver and ruby ring | Silver and sapphire ring | |
阿茲特克一般戒指 | 青銅戒指 | 鑲祖母綠銀戒指 | 銀戒指 | 鑲紅寶石銀戒指 | 鑲藍寶石銀戒指 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 11 | ||
Bronze rings like this one were offered to Aztec girls when they turned fourteen. Nice one! | This emerald is extremely pure! This ring must have belonged to a very rich Aztec. | The silver ring was especially made to reward Aztec best hunters. This one is lovely! | This ring is said to bring luck to the one who wears it. If only this could be true! | Incredible! This ring was lost by the Aztec king Itzcoatl himself during an argument with his wife. | ||
Precious Aztec rings | Gold ring | Gold and emerald ring | Gold and ruby ring | Gold and sapphire ring | Gold and silver ring | |
阿茲特克珍貴戒指 | 金戒指 | 鑲祖母綠金戒指 | 鑲紅寶石金戒指 | 鑲藍寶石金戒指 | 金銀相間戒指 | |
Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 10 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 14 | ||
Aztec shields | Silver shield | Gold shield | Wooden shield | Parade shield | Bronze ornate shield | |
阿茲特克盾牌 | 銀盾牌 | 金盾牌 | 木盾牌 | 遊行盾牌 | 彩繪青銅盾牌 | |
Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 11 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 8 | ||
Aztec warriors used this magnificent silver shield to protect their breast during intense fights. | Only very important warriors could use such a splendid shield during fights. | A wooden shield shouldn't be very useful against conquistadors cannonballs! | This shield was used during military parades only. It has beautiful geometric shapes. | A bronze shield decorated with sun patterns to protect its owner. Did it really work? | ||
Common Aztec weapons | Arrow (Aztec) | Aztec bow | Broken spear | Stone knife | Jaguar quiver | |
阿茲特克一般武器 | 箭 | 弓 | 損壞的矛 | 石刀 | 豹紋箭套 | |
Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | Rarity: 5 | ||
Invented 10 000 years ago, this simple arrow was used by the Aztec to hunt and to fight their enemies. | Nice piece of work! Aztecs were great archers. | Nice find! Too bad the handle is broken... | The blade is so blunt that it couldn't cut a hair! | Made with the hide of a real jaguar, this quiver could carry up to 20 arrows! | ||
Fine Aztec weapons | Axe (Aztec) | Sacrifice knife | Aztec sword | Long axe | Wooden club | |
阿茲特克上等武器 | 斧 | 祭刀 | 劍 | 長斧 | 木棒 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 12 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 7 | ||
This simple axe was used to cut wood and fight enemies. | A knife used during human sacrifices to remove human hearts and hold them up to the sun. Scary! | The shape of this sword bears testimony to the Aztec warriors' brutality. | It's so heavy that it could cut a coconut just by resting on it! | Very useful to knock your enemies senseless! | ||
Aztec sacred weapons | Eagle breast plate | Eagle helmet | Eagle shield | Eagle sword | Sacrifice belt | |
阿茲特克威喝武器 | 鷹形護甲 | 鷹形頭盔 | 鷹紋盾牌 | 鷹紋劍 | 祭品帶 | |
Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 18 | Rarity: 14 | Rarity: 16 | Rarity: 14 | ||
A magnificent breastplate especially made for Aztec Eagle warriors. A superb piece of craftsmanship! | This helmet was only worn by Eagle warriors, a special class of infantry soldier in the Aztec army. | This shield was used by Eagle warriors, a special class of soldier also called the soldiers of the Sun. | Interesting... This ancient weapon was said to bring manliness and power to its owner. | This beautiful artifact was worn in the 3rd century over their clothes by priests during human sacrifices. | ||
Common Spanish containers | Clay pot | Glass bottle | Clay tankard | Wood jug | Cracked barrel | |
西班牙一般容器 | 陶罐 | 玻璃瓶 | 陶製啤酒杯 | 木壺 | 破木桶 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | ||
A typical clay pot from the conquistadors. | An old glass bottle. Presumably from the conquistadors. | It was used to serve beverages when glass was still expensive. | Used to serve wine at the time of the Conquistadors. | Not very useful anymore, it's leaking in every way. | ||
Common Spanish artifacts | Broken rifle | Anchor | Chaplet | Ladle | Buckle | |
西班牙一般工藝品 | 破來福槍 | 錨 | 串珠項鍊 | 杓子 | 皮帶扣環 | |
Rarity: 1 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | Rarity: 2 | ||
This one won't hurt anyone ever again. | Maybe you could use it for your own boat... | Christianity was brought to the Americas by conquistadors. | Very useful cooking tool but pretty old. | The buckle is in a much better shape than the belt itself. | ||
Fine Spanish artifacts | King chess piece | Spur | Inkwell | Tin jug | Chandelier | |
西班牙上等工藝品 | 西洋棋國王棋子 | 馬刺 | 墨水瓶 | 錫罐 | 吊燈 | |
Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 4 | Rarity: 5 | ||
A wooden king piece from an ancient chess game. | A conquistador spur! Aztecs had never seen horses before the conquistadors came. | The ink is completely dry, it will be difficult to write a letter to your loved one with that... | Only the wealthy conquistadors families could afford to have this kind of dish. | A chandelier from the conquistadors. A nice artefact. | ||
Common conquistador artifacts | Broken sword | Cannonball | Conquistador neckguard | Horseshoe | Old flag | |
征服者的一般工藝品 | 斷劍 | 砲彈 | 護頸 | 馬蹄鐵 | 舊旗 | |
Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 3 | Rarity: 5 | ||
The legend claims that this sharp sword was broken by Aztec God Quetzalcoatl himself... | Conquistadors triumphed over Aztecs mostly because of their cannons, invented in the 15th century. | Great find! This helpful artifact, invented in the 16th century, protected conquistadors' neck. | The horseshoe was invented around 500 AD to protect horses from hoof injuries. | This flag was set to mark down the captured territories. This one is rather well-preserved. | ||
Fine conquistador artifacts | Conquistador breastplate | Conquistador couter | Conquistador helmet | Leather boot | Navigation compass | |
征服者的上等工藝品 | 胸甲 | 鐵護肘 | 頭盔 | 皮靴 | 導航羅盤 | |
Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 7 | Rarity: 6 | ||
This breastplate must have saved many conquistadors from Aztec knifes! | Nice find! This metal couter was used by conquistadors to protect their elbows from injuries. | Very useful to protect a conquistador's head against deadly Aztec arrows! | Spanish were known to be fantastic shoemakers; this leather boot shows the perfection of their work. | Invented in Europe around 1300, this navigational instrument greatly improved the efficiency of travel! | ||
Rare conquistador artifacts | Bible | Conquistador dagger | Conquistador gauntlet | Conquistador hat | Conquistador sextant | |
征服者的稀有工藝品 | 聖經 | 匕首 | 鐵手套 | 帽子 | 六分儀 | |
Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 6 | Rarity: 9 | Rarity: 8 | Rarity: 15 | ||
The most famous religious text of all time! Conquistadors were very devoted Catholics. | With this very sharp dagger, conquistadors used to finish their enemies off... | An important piece of armor! The hands were particularly vulnerable during fights. | This nice feathered hat protected many conquistadors' heads from the tropical sun. | Invented in the 16th century, this navigation instrument led conquistadors safely across the ocean. | ||
Cortes skeleton - Part I | Cortes pelvis | Cortes right foot | Cortes right hand | Cortes right humerus | Cortes right radius | |
科爾特斯骷髏–第一部分 | 骨盆 | 右腳 | 右手 |