Happy Plurkiversary – Plurk Celebrates its 1 Year Birthday Today
噗浪週年快樂!Plurk 今天歡慶一歲生日!
Wow. It really feels like we just launched our vibrant community only yesterday and yet here we are now, exactly one year later, and we still can't believe how fast and furious the ride has been and how far we've all come in such a short period of time. What's that old saying again? Time flies when you're having fun......AND Plurking! So true.
哇!真的感覺好像昨天才剛讓我們的活力社群上線,但現在我們一起走到,不多不少剛好一年後,仍然不敢相信這波風潮如此快又急,而我們在這麼短的時間內又走了這麼遠。那句俚語怎麼說來著?歡樂的時光過得飛快…plurk 的時候也是一樣!一點也沒錯!
And the truth is, Plurk has ALWAYS been about fun from day one. We wanted to create a fun, social, laid back and collaborative social community unlike any other on the web-one that let people be themselves, one with genuine, positive, good-hearted people, and one which unified everyone, young and old, the world over, to share and discuss their lives with others. One year later, and the results speak for themselves: Plurk has quickly and quietly grown from what was one of the best kept secrets on the web to what is now the fastest growing social media service in Asia and one of the fastest growing websites in the world today! Clearly, it appears you all embraced Plurk the way we hoped you would, and for that we couldn't be more grateful.
事實上,plurk 從第一天開始就一直是要找樂子的。不像網路上的其它網站,我們想創造有趣、聯誼、悠閒又通力合作的社群–一個讓人們做他自己,一個有真誠、積極、好心的人們,一個讓所有人聚在一起,全世界的、老的少的,和其它人分享談論生活的網站。一年後,結果會說話:plurk 已經快速且悄悄地成長,從網路上守密絕佳的網站之一,到目前亞洲成長速度最快的社群媒體服務,同時也是今天世界上成長最快速的網站之一!顯然,看來你們全部都像我們希望的那樣,對 plurk 敞開擁抱,對此我們無比感激。
Of course, our growth this past year would be nothing were it not for the great team behind the service. Words do not even begin to describe the passion, heart, intensity, grit and hundred other adjectives for sheer hard-working tenacity that is the embodiment of all the members on the A-team. They never cease to amaze me and chances are you'll be hearing a lot more about the humble and truly remarkable people who have made Plurk what it is today very shortly.
當然,過去這一年的成長,若不是系統背後的超棒團隊,不足成事。文字甚至無法表達那股熱情、熱愛、非它不可、不屈不撓和其它數百個形容詞,無法形容噗浪團隊所有成員都有的工作不懈的堅持。他們不曾停止讓我吃驚,也許你將會聽到更多有關那些謙虛而真正不凡人們的事,他們在非常短的時間內讓 plurk 成為現在這樣子。
Here's looking forward to another magical year ahead with all of you.
Plurk...it's written in the stars.
- Jun 02 Tue 2009 00:07
噗浪週年快樂!Plurk 今天歡慶一歲生日!