An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg
來自 Facebook 創辦人 Mark Zuckerberg 的公開信
It has been a great year for making the world more open and connected.
Thanks to your help, more than 350 million people around the world are
using Facebook to share their lives online.
過去這一年我們讓世界更開放也更緊密相連。因為有你們的幫忙,目前全球有超過三億五千萬人使用 Facebook 在線上分享生活。
To make this possible, we have focused on giving you the tools you need
to share and control your information. Starting with the very first
version of Facebook five years ago, we've built tools that help you
control what you share with which individuals and groups of people. Our
work to improve privacy continues today.
要讓這一切順利運作,我們致力於提供各種工具給各位分享或掌控個人資訊。從五年前第一代 Faceook 開始,我們就開發眾多工具,讓各位管理要分享給個人或團體的一切事務。直至今日,我們對隱私權的改善仍未停止。
Facebook's current privacy model revolves around "networks" —
communities for your school, your company or your region. This worked
well when Facebook was mostly used by students, since it made sense
that a student might want to share content with their fellow students.
Facebook 目前的隱私權概念仍以「人際網路」為主–以學校、公司或地區分類的社群。當 Facebook 使用者多為學生時,此種方式運作良好,因為學生的確會想和同儕們分享訊息。
Over time people also asked us to add networks for companies and
regions as well. Today we even have networks for some entire countries,
like India and China.
However, as Facebook has grown, some of these regional networks now
have millions of members and we've concluded that this is no longer the
best way for you to control your privacy. Almost 50 percent of all
Facebook users are members of regional networks, so this is an
important issue for us. If we can build a better system, then more than
100 million people will have even more control of their information.
然而,Facebook 日漸壯大,這些區域網絡中有些擁有百萬名成員,我們認為之前那種方法已經不是管控隱私的上策了。幾乎快一半的 Facebook 使用者都有參與區域網絡,所以這對我們來說的確是很重要的議題。如果我們能建立更好的系統,將會有超過一億人能更佳管控個人資訊。
The plan we've come up with is to remove regional networks completely
and create a simpler model for privacy control where you can set
content to be available to only your friends, friends of your friends,
or everyone.
We're adding something that many of you have asked for — the ability to
control who sees each individual piece of content you create or upload.
In addition, we'll also be fulfilling a request made by many of you to
make the privacy settings page simpler by combining some settings. If
you want to read more about this, we began discussing this plan back in July.
我們新增了一項很多人都想要的功能–控制各個新增或上傳內容的可見度。除此之外,我們也應眾多人的要求,合併許多其它設定以簡化隱私權設定頁面。如果你想瀏覽更多相關資訊,我們早於七月便開始 討論此方案 了。
Since this update will remove regional networks and create some new
settings, in the next couple of weeks we'll ask you to review and
update your privacy settings. You'll see a message that will explain
the changes and take you to a page where you can update your settings.
When you're finished, we'll show you a confirmation page so you can
make sure you chose the right settings for you. As always, once you're
done you'll still be able to change your settings whenever you want.
We've worked hard to build controls that we think will be better for
you, but we also understand that everyone's needs are different. We'll
suggest settings for you based on your current level of privacy, but
the best way for you to find the right settings is to read through all
your options and customize them for yourself. I encourage you to do
this and consider who you're sharing with online.
Thanks for being a part of making Facebook what it is today, and for helping to make the world more open and connected.
感謝各位讓 Facebook 成為今日的模樣,使這世界更為開放又緊密連結。
Mark Zuckerberg
- Dec 02 Wed 2009 15:20
[中英對照] Facebook: An Open Letter from Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg