大公無私 selfless
大惑不解 be extremely puzzled
大驚小怪 foofaraw/a storm in a teacup/fuss like a hen with one chicken/spoffish
大名鼎鼎 famous/well-known
大器晚成 great minds mature slowly
大失所望 greatly disappointed
大顯身手 strut one's stuff
大言不慚 fanfare/rodomontade
大義凜然 inspiring awe by upholding justice
大義滅親 place righteousness above family loyalty
大智若愚 Still waters run deep.
呆若木雞 dumbstruck/transfixed
待人接物 the ways one gets along with others
殫思極慮 rack one's brains
膽戰心驚 funky
淡泊明志 not seek fame and wealth
道貌岸然 sanctimonious
得過且過 drift along/muddle along
得天獨厚 advantaged
得心應手 handy with facility
得意忘形 bloat/get dizzy with success
得意洋洋 ride high/cock-a-hoop high-blown perky/triumphant
德高望重 sainted/saintlike
登峰造極 reach the limit/reach the peak of perfection
顛倒黑白 call white black
顛三倒四 disorderly
雕蟲小技 insignificant skill
調兵遣將 move forces
調虎離山 lure the enemy away from his base
掉以輕心 treat sth. lightly
喋喋不休 bla/cackle/chackle/harp/rattle/twitter/wag
東施效顰 blind imitation
東山再起 bob up like a cork
獨具匠心 show originality
獨一無二 unique/unmatched/unparalleled
斷章取義 garble
對牛彈琴 cast pearls before swine
多才多藝 versatility
多愁善感 sensitivity/sentimentality/moonstruck spoony
多此一舉 bring owls to Athens/hold a candle to the sun
多多益善 the more the better
咄咄逼人 aggressive
阿諛奉承 greasiness
恩將仇報 bite the hand that feeds one
發人深省 thought-provoking/set people thinking
發揚光大 carry forward
翻天覆地 world-shaking
氾濫成災 overrun
分道揚鑣 each going his own way
分化瓦解 disintegrate/divide and demoralize
分門別類 classify
紛至踏來 come in a continuous stream
憤憤不平 indignant
憤世嫉俗 cynical
風靡一時 be the rage
風平浪靜 calm
風雨無阻 in all weathers
蜂湧而來 pour
逢場作戲 join in the fun on occasion
奉公守法 law-abiding
富麗堂皇 magnificence
繁榮昌盛 thriving and prosperous
愛屋及烏 love me, love my dog
白手起家 build up from nothing
百裏挑一 one in hundred
百折不撓 indomitable
半途而廢 give up halfway/leave sth. Unfinished
包羅萬象 all-embracing/all-inclusive
飽經風霜 weather-beaten
悲歡離合 vicissitudes of life
背道而馳 run counter
本末倒置 put the cart before the horse
變本加厲 further intensified
變化無常 chop and change fantasticality
別開生面 having sth. new
別有用心 have ulterior motives
不敗之地 incincible position
不屈不撓 fortitude/indefatigability/perseverance/tenacity
不速之客 crasher/uninvited guest
不同凡響 outstanding
不言而喻 speak for itself/tell its own story/went without saying
不遺餘力 spare no effort
不約而同 happen to coincide
不擇手段 by any kind of means/by hook or crook/play hard
不知所措 at a loss/all adrift/lose one's head/out of one's wits
滄海桑田 time brings a great change to the worlds
滄海一粟 a drop in the bucket
層出不窮 emerge in endlessly
車水馬龍 heavy traffic
沉默寡言 taciturnity
稱心如意 well-content
成群結隊 gang horde
吃苦耐勞 tough
叱吒風雲 ride the whirlwind
愁眉苦臉 pull a long face snoot
臭名遠揚 flagrancy/notorious
出乎意料 unexpected
出口成章 have an outstanding eloquence
出類拔萃 fill the bill supereminence
出奇制勝 defeat sb. by a surprise action
出生入死 go through fire and water
觸類旁通 comprehend by analogy
綽綽有餘 more than sufficient
此起彼伏 as one falls,another rises
從容不迫 go easy take one's time/leisured/by easy stages
粗枝大葉 careless slapdash sloppy/broad-brush
措手不及 unaware/unprepared
撲朔迷離 anfractuosity
- Oct 13 Mon 2008 23:36
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