The following is ticketing information of THSR (Taiwan High Speed Rail) with Chinese version below every paragraphs, which you need to highlight to read. When you read the Chinese versioin, there are some line-throughed words, which are the original lines but don't fit in the English version. To help students understand what the Engilsh version says, I attach my own translation (underlined) right after the very words. Other related information can be searched from THSR official website.
Online Booking (線上訂票)
The system provides on-line reservation for the train which departure date is no more than 14 days later. Nevertheless, on the travel day the on-line reservation is only applicable to the train which departure time is no less than 2 hours before train departure.
本系統每日 24 小時提供服務;可提供旅客預訂當日及未來 14 日以內之車票。訂位開放時間為乘車日(含)前 14 日凌晨 0 點開始,但當日車次之預訂僅受理至所選擇班次列車出發前 2 小時為止。
1. This system provides adult ticket, child ticket, senior ticket, and disabled ticket. Customers who need to reserve for handicap friendly seats, please call customer service (02-66268000) or purchase tickets at the ticket booth in the train station.
本系統提供預訂之票種包含對號座之全票、孩童票、敬老票及愛心票(不含自由座車票及團體票)。若您有預訂無障礙座位之需求時,請致電語音訂位專線4066-0000 客服專線 02-66268000 或請至各車站售票窗口購票。
2. Customers may book a maximum of 10 tickets at one time; for example, 10 one-way tickets or 5 roundtrip tickets.
每筆訂位最多以10張乘車票為限,去回票以2張計算 舉例說明,10張單程票或是5張來回套票。
3. When finishing reservation, with or without a completed payment, Customers will be provided with a booking confirmation number. Customers may use the number to inquire reservation information; therefore, please keep the number available for further inquiry and picking up ticket. Customers are advised to print out and preserve the reservation confirmation page.
4. After finishing reservation, Customers shall complete payment within 3 days (including the day made reservation). If the reservation is made within 3 days prior the departure date, Customers shall complete payment no latter than 1 day prior the departure date.
5. If payment is not completed before deadline, the seats you booked will not be reserved.
Phone Booking Service (電話訂票)
1. The system operating hours are from 6:00am to 12:00 midnight.
2. Island wide toll phone service line is 4066-0000. Miaoli area, please dial 4266-0000; Taitung and Kinmen areas 4666-0000; Matsu area and mobile phone 02-4066-0000.
一般市話撥打4066-0000, 苗栗地區請撥4266-0000,台東、金門地區請撥4666-0000,馬祖地區及行動電話請撥02-4066-0000。
3. The system supports the reservation of tickets for adults, children, senior citizens, disabled citizens, and wheelchair accessible seats.
4. The system caters to reservation inquiries, one-way and round trips reservation, cancellations, as well as miscellaneous inquiries.
5. Customers may book a maximum of 10 tickets at one time; for example, 10 one-way tickets or 5 round trip tickets.
6. Tickets are open for reservation 2 weeks prior to travel date. Also, tickets are available for on-date travel. To purchase tickets for on-date travel, please make the reservation at least two hours before train departure.
訂位開放時間為乘車日(含)前 14 日凌晨 6 點開始。當日車次之預訂僅受理至列車發車時間前 2 小時為止。
7. Payment for the reservation must be made within three days prior to the departure date otherwise the reservation will be automatically cancelled. For less than three days' reservation, please complete payment a day before the departure date or the reservation will be automatically cancelled. For reservation of tickets for on-date travel, please complete the payment at least 30 minutes before train departure or the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
訂位後應於訂位完成當日(含)起三日內完成付款,若訂位日(含)距乘車日三日內者至遲應於乘車日之前一日完成付款。如訂當日車票,至遲須於所選擇班次列車出發前 30 分鐘以前完成付款,未於期限內完成付款,訂位紀錄將不予保留。
8. Reservation inquiry, rescheduling, cancellation and payment may be made online by credit card or at station either by cash or credit card by providing reservation number and personal ID number. In case of misplaced reservation number, please call customer service line (02-6626-8000) or go to station ticket window for assistance.
9. Please produce eligible personal identification documents or passports when collecting senior citizens or disabled citizens tickets. Passengers traveled with senior citizens or disabled citizens tickets must carry such eligible personal identification documents or passports during travel for impromptu inspection.
享有敬老或愛心優待之旅客, 訂位及搭乘時均應出示政府核發足以證明身份之證件以作查驗之用。
10. Personal ID code (etc.)
11. Station Code (etc.)
THSRC will endeavor to maintain an express service counter at each station to facilitate the collection of Internet or phone reservation tickets. Nevertheless, THSRC cannot guarantee the availability of such special service at each station at all times. Please check with station service counter if required.
For further ticketing related information, please refer to Passenger Guide, Ticketing Information at our website (
Non-reserved Seat (自由座)
Non-reserved seat tickets can only be purchased on the date of travel at Ticket Window and Ticket Vending Machine at THSRC stations. Non-reserved seat tickets are only valid for one trip, in carriage#9, #10, #11, and #12 of any train on the date of purchasing the tickets. For further information and regulation, please refer to Passenger Notice or consult staffs at station Ticket Window.
自由座僅限於當日各車站人工售票窗口或售票機發售,並僅限單程車票,自由座車廂為9, 10, 11, 12節車廂。更多訊息,請參閱旅客須知或向售票人員諮詢。
Tickets purchase and reservation: (購票和訂票)
1. Each train includes Business Car (carriage #6) and Standard Car (including reserved seats and non-reserved seats). Carriage#9, #10, #11, and #12 are for passengers holding non-reserved seat tickets. Customer who seats in the wrong carriage is liable to pay for the price differences according to fare table.
每輛列車皆包含商務車廂(第六車)、標準車廂(包含對號座和自由座)。第9, 10, 11, 12節車廂供自由座旅客使用。旅客自行改乘車廂者,應補繳改乘區間票價差額。
2. Non-reserved seat tickets include adult ticket, children ticket, senior ticket, and disabled ticket. Group ticket is not included.
3. Non-reserved seat tickets are sold on the date of travel and are only valid on the date of purchase only. Passengers traveling with non-reserved seat tickets can only seat in carriage#9, #10, #11, and #12. Available seats are not guaranteed.
自由座車票之效期限開票當天有效,逾期作廢。自由座旅客僅能乘座第9, 10, 11, 12節車廂,不保證有座位。
4. Wheelchair travelers are welcomed to call Customer Service Hotlines or contact Ticket Window at stations to reserve the 4 special seats available on each train.
行動不便的旅客歡迎撥打客服專線,或是直接詢問車站售票人員,以便預訂各列車之 4 席無障礙座椅。
5. Fare tables of reserved seat represent single-trip full fare. The calculation of fares for concession/discounted tickets is full fare multiplied by the discount rate. The unit of discounted fare counts as 5 if the resultant is 5 or (and) above 5, and counts as 0 if the resultant is under 5.
對號座之票價表僅為單程全票。優待票之票價依全額票價乘以折扣率後,個位數進整為 0 或 5。
6. The fare for concession tickets (including senior ticket, disabled ticket, and children ticket) is 50% off from the fare reported to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Senior citizens (passengers above 65 years of age), registered disabled persons and one accompanying passenger, and children (passengers under 12 years of age) are eligible to purchase concession tickets at half price (of the full fare).
優惠票(包含敬老票、愛心票及孩童票)票價,按表訂票價之半價優惠。老者(65 歲以上之乘客)、身心障礙之國民及其監護人或必要之陪伴者一人、孩童(未滿 12 歲),可依全額票價之半價購買優惠票種。
7. The discount rate for group ticket (for reserved seat only) is 5% off (of the full fare). Group discount is only offered to the group with the purchase of 11 or more adult tickets. Group discount cannot be used in combination with other discount offers. Persons eligible for multiple discounts can choose only one discount offer.
團體票(僅限對號座位)之折扣為 95 折。團體票折扣僅適用於購買全票人數十一人(含)以上之團體,不得合併其它優惠方案使用。旅客另符合優待身份者,僅能就團體或優待票折扣擇一優惠。
8. For further information, please consult with staffs at station Ticket Window, or call Customer Service Hotline.
- Oct 09 Thu 2008 15:56
[生活] THSR Ticketing Info.