overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Someone -- maybe you -- pops up with a bold new idea,
and it's one that should be taken seriously.
Even if there are obvious flaws,
you may be able to work around them or tweak the plan to avoid them.
- May 25 Mon 2009 15:55
[情報] 5/26+本週魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
- May 24 Sun 2009 23:55
[情報] 5/25魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Help a friend in need -- and there may be quite a few of them!
It's the best possible day to score a few points
by helping out with home repair or tricky social situations,
because you have all the answers.
- May 24 Sun 2009 13:00
[情報] 5/24魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You're in the middle of what can only be called a gaggle --
it might be family, it might be coworkers,
but it's practically impossible for you to concentrate!
Try to get along, but close the door to get things done.
- May 22 Fri 2009 13:17
- May 22 Fri 2009 10:48
[情報] 5/22魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You are more indulgent of nonsense than usual,
and that can pay off handsomely for you!
All that good energy has to go somewhere,
and you may be able to direct it toward a good end.
- May 21 Thu 2009 14:15
午後時分 睡得很沈 嘈雜鳥兒 也全都充耳不聞
行板如歌 歌裡在等 等你來和 和一篇雨季解渴
雷聲鋪陳 嘹亮地哼 大地與河 萬物屏息這一刻
- May 21 Thu 2009 07:44
[情報] 5/21魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Whether you've got kids yourself or are watching a few for a friend,
little ones are part of your life today.
It may even be that you're just getting frisky or playful at work
when it's all adults.
- May 19 Tue 2009 16:20
[情報] 5/20魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You need to rearrange your schedule somewhat --
if you can't see why right now, it becomes clear shortly.
It's a great day to ask for a rain check
or to postpone inessential appointments.
- May 19 Tue 2009 00:25
[情報] 5/19魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You're feeling a little tired,
and might be tempted to give up on one project or person
in order to focus energy elsewhere.
If you do, though, you are sure to regret it later -- so try to persevere!
- May 18 Mon 2009 12:36
- May 17 Sun 2009 17:57
[情報] 5/18魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You can't reach someone important early today --
so reach out in some other way!
You have more means at your disposal than you usually can remember,
so get busy and see what you can dream up.
- May 17 Sun 2009 00:33
[情報] 5/17魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Your coworkers and other folks around you
might be desperately confused, but not you!
It's easier than ever for you to make incremental progress,
even on tough projects that demand a lot of attention.
- May 15 Fri 2009 21:05
[情報] 5/16魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Inspiration is striking left and right today --
and when it finally hits you,
expect to see what you want out of the future much more clearly!
You should be able to get going on it right away.
- May 15 Fri 2009 01:25
- May 14 Thu 2009 15:54
[情報] 5/15魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Complications ensure that any plan is hard to stick to right now --
but that doesn't mean you can't give it a go!
Just make sure that you're flexible enough to handle the inevitable wrinkles.
- May 12 Tue 2009 21:26
[情報] 5/13魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
You work pretty hard, even on off days, but it all starts to pay off now.
You may just get a little recognition,
or instead you may get some more tangible reward for your efforts. Enjoy!
- May 11 Mon 2009 18:30
[情報] 5/12魔羯座運勢(中英對照)
overview: http://horoscopes.astrology.com/dailycapricorntom.html
Good news blasts you this afternoon --
and you might decide to take the rest of the day off to celebrate!
Your great energy can make the most of almost any opportunity,
so enjoy it to the fullest!
- May 11 Mon 2009 16:38
Plurk 寵物之非官方命名
大概本 blog 和 plurk 有關的事,沒有一件是官方的。(廢話)
總之,plurk 的寵物們這麼可愛(據說是 alvin 隨手畫出來的orz),
- May 11 Mon 2009 16:07
聽見愛情的腳步聲 -8- 舊不去,新不來
- May 08 Fri 2009 09:53
plurk 武林祕笈(密技?)